Zalán Bognár: The Fate of POWs in Hungary Occupied by the Red Army 1944-46
The purpose of my work was to explore and present the misery of both military and civilian POWs from Hungary and other countries in WWII, which has been made an undeservingly forgotten and concealed part of the 20th century history. Within this, the story of these POW camps and the life of those held there has thus far been a grey spot in the history of Hungarian POWs in WWII. With my research, which has been carried out for more than twenty years with shorter or longer interruptions, I have only been able to set the foundation for this topic. For the time being, I could not embark on more as I had to make paths and roads through historical strata that had previously been left totally unbroken. Unfortunately, I could only use numerous tiny and incomplete mosaics from the most diverse groups of sources to compose the comprehensive but, in certain segments, detailed story of these camps and the people held there. Due to the multi-aspect survey, certain facts and events are also mentioned in several chapters and sub-chapters in order to explore and present the topic in the most accurate and sophisticated manner possible.
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Kiemelkedő sorozataink, mint a Magyarnak lenni és Miért Hiszek? riportkönyvek, valamint a Féltett Kishazák, mélyebb betekintést nyújtanak a magyar identitásba és az interjúalany hitébe, hazaszeretetébe. Szerzőink, mint Pokol Béla, Szerencsés Károly, Molnár Tamás, Dér Katalin, Botos Katalin és sok más tehetséges író, kiválóan vezetik az olvasót a tudás újabb és újabb mélységeibe.
A YOUCAT, Y-Biblia és YOUCAT gyermekeknek világhírű bestsellerek is kiadónk gondozásában jelentek meg magyarul, valamint az Egy Bogár naplója sorozat is a Kairosz Kiadóhoz fűződik.
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